
House & Senate Committee Contacts

Call your legislators and committee chairs with the following message:

Governor/Delegate/Senator ______________________________,

My name is (Your name) and I’m a (Position-Teacher, Aide, Cook, etc.) in (County of Employment).

I’m calling to ask that the legislature make PEIA an immediate priority to prevent out of control premium increases, stop benefits cuts, and correct the financial instability that has placed undue burdens on public employees of West Virginia. Allow the state to fund PEIA without requiring additional money from employees and do not rely on benefit cuts, rechanneling minimal pay increases, or co-pay and deductible increases to keep PEIA balanced. West Virginia public employees and their families deserve better and must have affordable health insurance to ensure the future of West Virginia’s public education.

House of Delegates Committee Chairs Group Emails:

trenton.barnhart@wvhouse.gov; walter.hall@wvhouse.gov; joe.ellington@wvhouse.gov; joe.statler@wvhouse.gov; vernon.criss@wvhouse.gov; clay.riley@wvhouse.gov; evan.worrell@wvhouse.gov; michael.hite@wvhouse.gov;

House CommitteesDelegateTitleCapitol PhoneDistrict PhoneEmail
Committee on Banking & InsuranceBarnhartChairtrenton.barnhart@wvhouse.gov
Committee on EducationEllingtonChair(304) 487-6526joe.ellington@wvhouse.gov
StatlerVice-Chair(304) 376-7336joe.statler@wvhouse.gov
Committee on FinanceCrissChair(304) 481-0167vernon.criss@wvhouse.gov
RileyVice-Chair(304) 844-5679clay.riley@wvhouse.gov
Committee on Health and Human ResourcesWorrellChairevan.worrell@wvhouse.gov

Senate Committee Chairs Group Emails:

mike.azinger@wvsenate.gov; mike.oliverio@wvsenate.gov; amy.grady@wvsenate.gov; charles.clements@wvsenate.gov; eric.tarr@wvsenate.gov; rupie.phillips@wvsenate.gov; tom.takubo@wvsenate.gov;

Senate CommitteesSenatorTitleCapitol PhoneDistrict PhoneEmail
Senate Banking and Insurance CommitteeAzingerChair(304) 916-2177mike.azinger@wvsenate.gov
Senate Education CommitteeGradyChairamy.grady@wvsenate.gov
ClementsVice-Chair(304) 455-5339charles.clements@wvsenate.gov
Senate Finance CommitteeTarrChair(304) 202-4276eric.tarr@wvsenate.gov
Senate Health and Human Resources CommitteeTakuboVice-Chairtom.takubo@wvsenate.gov