
Betty Rivard: COVID-19 numbers in WV are bad, despite spin from gov

Charleston Gazette-Mail

Math and science were never my strong suits. I did not really master basic math concepts until I took a course in new math for elementary school teachers to fulfill a core requirement for my undergraduate degree.

I discovered much later in life that I have a strong memory for visuals and feelings. This gift may be why I did OK in high school geometry and ended up with a career in social work.

I struggled to learn the mechanics of ratios during my apprenticeship with a master photographer after I retired from working for the state. The workings of simple film cameras and the darkroom only became part of my motor memory with years of practice.


Right now I am reeling from both the math and my feelings related to the prognosis for COVID-19 in our state.

The Gazette-Mail has reported that over 1,700 deaths are projected here by the end of the year if we do not change our ways.