WVEA has partnered with 13 locals around the state as part of a new project focusing on innovation, revitalization, and empowering the local and their members. Coined the “Bullwinkle Project,” locals were invited to participate, who have shown potential for taking their organizing efforts to the next level via membership, infrastructure, community involvement, and member engagement. Teams from each local attended conferences that were held in Morgantown and Charleston to kick off the project with the start of Early Enrollment. Plans were developed by each local that sets out a road map for the next 12 months and include activities for Early Enrollment campaign, summer outreach, Back-to-School activities, and year-long engagement opportunities for members and other educators. Members in these counties will be afforded opportunities to engage in community activities, provided tools and resources for “outside the box” ideas, and invited to attend NEA conferences and events.
The first phase of each local’s project will be geared around Early Enrollment, which allows new members to join and pay no dues until September 1, 2023. This is a great opportunity to engage new hires and welcome them to WVEA. It also provides a window for previous members to re-join who may not have been able to update their membership during the loss of payroll deduction. Be sure to reach out to your colleagues and let them know of this great opportunity to join WVEA through Early Enrollment in your county. The ODS staff and WVEA office staff will be working closely with each project local to help promote and refine the project during its first year, so more locals will be able to participate next year.
If your local would like to know more about the project or would like to participate in the future, contact your ODS or Mike Hennessey at mhennessey@wvea.org.