WVEA Legislative Action Center
Standing Together for Public Schools
WVEA advocates tirelessly on issues that matter to you. From fighting for public school resources, working to pass local levies, eliminating needless paperwork, working through COVID-19 issues, protecting planning time, preventing educators’ hard-earned rights from being eroded or repealed by anti-teacher legislators, or ensuring the funding of PEIA, our highest priorities are those who work, teach and learn in public schools. Our guiding principles include the following.
Students deserve great public schools
All students deserve schools with the resources, programs, and curriculum to nurture their curiosity, imagination, spirit, talents, and desire to learn. And educators are our students’ most important resource. Especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. Stand with us and together we can provide the resources and opportunities our students and educators need to be successful.
The pandemic shows the value of public schools. Local schools have always been centers of communities. During the pandemic, our local public schools organized hybrid or on-line instruction, and provided wellness checks, internet access and more for their communities. WVEA members have found creative ways to reach and teach our students. It meant we worked longer hours and in ways we’ve never worked before. We came together to help each other to provide quality instruction.
Educators’ voices will be heard. Historically, WVEA members have been successful in standing together and advocating for public schools. During the COVID-19 pandemic, our access to lawmakers was limited. Nearly every decision impacting education employees, school volunteers and students stems from policy established by politicians at the county, state and national levels. Educators’ voices must be heard, recognized and respected when developing and implementing public education policies. Especially issues involving teaching and learning conditions.
Educators direct our policies and actions
The West Virginia Education Association advocates for its members, public education employees and students through a wide variety of efforts, including political and public policy actions. WVEA’s legislative policies are developed by members through the WVEA Delegate Assembly and the WVEA Legislative Committee. These documents offer guidance to our professional lobby team who work with WVEA member lobbyists to impact policy decisions.