
Local Educators Elected to WVEA Executive Committee

CHARLESTON – Five local educators have been elected to the West Virginia Education Association Executive Committee.

Four members were elected to member-at-large positions on the executive committee, which is the governing board for the statewide association. They are:

  • John Quesenberry, a history teacher at Woodrow Wilson High School in Raleigh County.
  • Hillary O’Dell, a science teacher at Richwood High School in Nicholas County.
  • Angela Wyatt, a music teacher at Driswood Elementary School in Jefferson County.
  • Adena Barnette, a social studies teacher at Ripley High School in Jackson County.

Lucinda Burns, an elementary school teacher at Point Harmony Elementary in Kanawha County, was elected to serve as WVEA’s representative to the NEA Board of Directors.

Elections usually occur during WVEA’s Delegate Assembly (DA).  Due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions the election was conducted by secret ballot mailed in by DA delegates. Ballots were counted on June 4 at the WVEA headquarters in Charleston by the WVEA Elections Committee.