Nearly every decision impacting education employees, school volunteers and students stems from policy established by politicians. Whether the decision is that of a local school board who establishes a dress code for employees or uniforms for students, to the highest level of federal testing standards enacted by the United States Congress, there is a direct and critical link between public education policies and government.
The West Virginia Education Association advocates for its members, public education employees and students through a wide variety of efforts, including political and public policy actions. WVEA’s legislative policies are developed by members through the WVEA Delegate Assembly and the WVEA Legislative Committee. These documents offer guidance to our professional lobby team who work with WVEA member lobbyists to impact policy decisions.
David Riggle, a special education teacher at Tyler Consolidated Middle School, has been presented with a 2024 WVU Honorary Doctorate. He received the award during the December graduation ceremony at…
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Often throughout the academic year, educators buy classroom supplies with their own money to improve their students’ learning experience. The Educator Expense Deduction helps taxpayers in education get some of…
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If you have questions, call your Association Representative, County President, WVEA Help Center at 1-866-568-9832, or your Organizational Development Specialist. If you are RIFed, you have the right to: Your…
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Teacher, world traveler, Margaret Blennerhassett reenactor—and now movie STAR! Hollywood called and Pleasants County co-president Paula Oliverio answered. JC Films out of Bridgeport, WV, came to Pleasants County, WV to…
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Need help understanding what’s going on with student loans and loan forgiveness? Member Benefits will share the latest about student loans and loan forgiveness. To join simply, click here:….
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The PEIA Finance Board met December 5, 2024, and approved the plan for fiscal year 2026. The plan adopted was the same one discussed at the PEIA public hearings with…
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The NEA Center for Communications is conducting a national survey of members. This survey is designed to understand members’ communication preferences and learn more about the content they would like…
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Attention, WVEA Members! You will receive a link to the West Virginia Educator Survey in an email from WVEA President Dale Lee and AFT-WV President Kristie Skidmore on November 20–21….
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PDF The Public Employees Insurance Agency (PEIA) is considering another significant increase in premiums, along with a series of plan changes for all participants in the coming year. The PEIA…
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Attention WVEA Members! Atkins Research Global might be reaching out to you about participating in a focus group. This is NOT a scam—your input is important!