March 30, 2023
The PEIA Finance Board just approved the premium increases for the new 2024 plan. This plan is effective on July 1, 2023. We anticipate the new salary tiers in the Shopper’s Guide and the spousal affidavit to be released soon and will update you when the information becomes available next week.
March 28, 2023
Initially, the PEIA Finance Board planned to present three plan options for the participants to comment on before a final decision would be made. It was announced at yesterday’s PEIA public hearing that education employees/state funded participants will only be given the option for the premium increase. The other two blended approaches will still be an option for those in a non-state funded plan. Please be aware of the change if you plan to speak at a public hearing.
March 23, 2023
The PEIA Finance Board met on Thursday, March 23 to discuss the changes in PEIA that will impact plan participants due to the recent passage of (SB 268), the PEIA bill. Spouses who have the option of their employer’s health insurance to move onto that plan or pay an additional spousal premium as listed below beginning July 1, 2023.
- PPB and Health Plan – Plan A: $149
- PPB and Health Plan – Plan B: $139
- PPB Plan C: $141
- PPB – Plan D and Health Plan – Plan C: $147
Plan options were also presented by the PEIA Finance Board and will be available for public comment at the public hearings next week. View the upcoming public hearings here. All public hearings will begin at 6:00 PM. The PEIA Finance Board will then meet again on March 30 to approve the final plan.
Below is an overview of the proposed plans. For more details on the plans, see the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting.
- Option 1: Premium Increases Only – This option requires a 24.2% increase in the employee premiums. The increase would vary based on plan, since enrollment and performance vary from plan to plan. For non-state fund this option requires a 15.6% increase and no premium increase for Retiree Health Benefit Trust.
- Option 2: Blended Approach 1 (Premium increase with benefit changes) – The Blended Approach 1 would require the following premium increases:
- State Fund 19.2%
- Non-State fund 12.5%
- No premium increase for Retiree Health Benefit Trust.
- Option 3: Blended Approach 2 (State plan & RHBT) Premium increase with benefit changes – The Blended Approach 2 includes a 14.6% State Fund employee premium increase and no retiree premium increase. The non-Medicare Benefit changes include:
- Medical deductible increase of 50% for Plans A, C and D
- Medical out-of-Pocket maximum increase of 50% for Plans A, C and D
- Prescription drug deductible and out-of-pocket maximum increase by 100% for Plans A, B and D
- Prescription drug copays increase by 100% and change Specialty cost sharing from $100/$150 to 30% coinsurance.
- Blended Approach 2 (Non-State plan) Premium increase with benefit changes – This option would require a 9.7% premium increase. Benefit changes would include:
- Medical deductible increase of 35% for Plans A, C and D
- Medical out-of-Pocket maximum increase of 35% for Plans A, C and D
- Prescription drug deductible and out-of-pocket maximum increase by 100% for Plans A, B and D
- Prescription drug copays increase by 100% and change Specialty cost sharing from $100/$150 copay to 30% coinsurance
- More (see slide 11).