
PEIA Finance Board Public Hearings Set

The PEIA Finance Board wants your input! Proposals for Plan Year 2021 (Benefits from 7/1/20 – 6/30/21) are being finalized now. You’ll find the proposed changes at peia.wv.gov or www.wvpeia.com no later than November 5just click on the picture of the gavel or scroll to the News Center. We have scheduled public hearings around the state as follows:

Tuesday, November 12, 2019 Telephonic Dial in: 304-410-0513, Conference will begin promptly at 6 PM
Wednesday, November 13, 2019- Morgantown WVU, The Erikson Alumni Center, One Alumni Drive
Tuesday, November 19, 2019- Charleston The Culture Center, Capiotl Complex, 1900 Kanawha Blvd., E.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019- Beckley Beckley-Raleigh County Convention Center, 200 Armory Drive
Thursday, November 21, 2019- Martinsburg Holiday Inn, 301 Foxcroft Avenue

5-6 p.m. Customer service and hearing registration. If you have questions about claims, benefits or the proposals being discussed, we’ll have staff on hand to help you. Everyone attending the hearing must register. If you want to speak at the hearing, indicate that at registration. Note: This will not take place for the telephonic meeting.Here’s the schedule in each location:

6-8 p.m. Public hearing. The proposals for Plan Year 2021 will be presented, and members of the board will take input from the audience.

If you can’t attend a hearing in person, please submit comments to the Finance Board in writing to the address on the other side of this card, or via e-mail to: PEIAComments@wv.gov.