Dear WVEA Member:
The WVEA is proud to once again provide you with this Professional Development Catalog. The WVEA staff has actively participated in state and national training events to increase their skills in order to assist you with your professional development needs. In addition, many of our WVEA leaders have also participated in various workshops and are willing to assist members in any way they can.
Share this catalog with your peers, your Faculty Senate, your principal and others in your building. This catalog is an excellent source of trainings and presentations for members in your school and/or county.
This catalog includes a sampling of presentations available in various media forms by the WVEA staff. We have listed those that are frequently requested. If you would like to schedule one of these presentations, or if you have a specific topic in which you are interested, please contact your Organizational Development Specialist and advise her/him of your needs. You can also contact the Help Center. Every effort will be made to accommodate your request.
Finally, it is strongly suggested you plan your training activities well in advance of your program date. Thirty days’ notice is suggested. Please be flexible in your scheduling since not every program is done by every staff person or leader.
It is our intent to continually update and expand this catalog so that it will become an increasingly valuable resource for you. We hope that you and your colleagues take advantage of these opportunities to enhance and update your expertise on the topics provided.
Professional Growth
Certification and Licensure
This session will explore the state board policies, renewal process, “highly qualified” requirements, changes due to the reauthorization of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and alternative certification routes.
Creating Family-School-Community Partnerships
During this training, participants create a positive groundwork for partnerships, learn how to improve communication among all stakeholders, gain insight into how to work with families from diverse cultures, and create a climate to implement meaningful partnerships.
Child Abuse and Harassment
The session will focus on child abuse laws related to West Virginia public schools. There will be discussions related to the employee as a witness/reporter or as the accused perpetrator. Additionally, the program will discuss state law and policy related to harassment and employee obligations to report and investigate harassment allegations.
This session focuses on the latest version of WVBE policies to be implemented by all schools. Examination of the latest process will include the standards, levels of performance, student test scores, learning goals, evidence collection, observations, timeline and focused support plan.
Healthy School Environment
This session is designed to increase your awareness of issues surrounding a safe school environment. Participants will learn how to respond to HIV and AIDS issues as well as increase awareness in regard to indoor air quality issues.
Stress and Time Management
Learn how to turn chaos into calm. Develop new time management skills that will benefit your professional and personal life. Rediscover a healthier you as you break the old patterns of being stressed and over-worked and finding no time for yourself. This workshop does provide some hands-on demonstration and role-playing.
Anger Management
This session will examine the principal reasons of why we become angry and how to let go of that anger. In addition, participants will learn to recognize the stages of anger and how to stop negative reactions before they become aggression, not only in themselves, but also in others. Other topics include the body’s reaction to anger and how to survive the anger using different techniques without endangering yourself or others.
Team Building Essentials
In this hands-on workshop, you will learn what it takes to create a positive school climate and the positive traits that are necessary in every team member. Find out how group norms, site-based management, personality traits and communication skills assist team members in their professional roles as educators.
National Board Certification®
In this session, participants will discover how this voluntary certification can assist in their professional growth and improve student learning. Interested teachers will find out how to apply for the process and resources available. New program guidelines were enacted.
School Technology and You
This session will explore best practices and safety measure for employees’ use of technology, including ways to protect you against unwanted actions as a result of technology use. The session will explore acceptable use policies of school computers as well as communication with students.
Dealing with Difficult People
Find and discover guidance in dealing with people who are confrontational, blame others, are negative or always have all the answers. This presentation provides strategies for individuals that exhibit those behaviors and others that cause stress when we encounter them.
This presentation shows the widespread technology abuses among students, particularly cyber-bullying and sexting, and the role teachers and schools have in monitoring/eliminating the problem. The discussion will include the role the teacher has in preventing bullying and harassment, which may occur via use of technology as well as the mandatory reporting obligations.
How to Plan A Successful Parent Conference
This session provides tips for making those important parent-teacher conferences more comfortable and productive for the parent, teacher and student. Participants will also learn how to approach the most reluctant parents to participate in conferences.
Inclusion of Exceptional Students
Participants will learn how the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regulations affect them in the classroom. Participants will review what is necessary for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and will review procedures for handling students who need special medical attention. In addition, participants will review in depth the discipline rules for IDEA students.
I Can Do It!
This is a training that is tried and true with teachers across the nation. Participants will learn elements that will make a difference in their teaching and classroom management style. The extensive training is a very interactive presentation with practical hands-on information that participants will be able to use in the classroom the next day.
Safe Schools
The WVEA has long advocated for school safety and worked to assure our schools are safe places in which to learn and work. This training outlines your authority, resources and protections as school employees. Discussion will center on empowerment, special education discipline, alternative placements and updates on WVBE policies pertaining to harassment and violence.
Expected Behavior in Safe and Supportive Schools
WVBE policy sets the requirements for the development of safe and supportive schools that provide optimum learning conditions for students and staff. Safety and order are the foundation of a positive school climate/culture that supports student academic achievement and personal-social development. This session reviews the disciplinary guidelines for student behaviors prohibited in our schools that must be consistently addressed in order to assure the orderly, safe, drug-free, violence and harassment-free learning environment.
New Teacher Basics – Rights and Responsibilities
You have your first teaching position – now what?! This presentation is for teachers new to the profession/ state to learn what required policies, laws and regulations protect them and their students. Topics include your teaching certificate, evaluations, class size, planning periods, duty-free lunch, employee/student codes of conduct, lesson plans and much more.
School Calendar Issues
This session will detail the latest legislative changes affecting the school calendar, policy changes and recent practices of the WVDE, as well as ways to partner with parents and organize for sensible solutions to flawed county school calendars.
Policy 5000 – Hiring Procedures
Policy 5000 outlines the hiring procedure for professional personnel. The current policy involves multiple criteria, which includes the recommendations of the principal and faculty senate. It also explains reassignment and reposting requirements. If you want a refresher course on the hiring process, request this training.
Professional Interaction with Students
This workshop will focus on the appropriate and inappropriate relationships between students and school employees. Participants will develop the knowledge of interactions with students that could lead to accusations or legal action.
Professional Behavior
All school personnel employed by a county board of education, whether employed on a regular full-time basis or otherwise, are bound by the standards of conduct set in WVBE Policy and the Employee Code of Conduct. The discussion of this policy will also include federal as well as West Virginia laws, policies, regulations and procedures with which all education employees must comply.
Student Attendance
This session will help you understand updates to policies on attendance and truancy, the role of truancy diversion specialists and your responsibilities at the school level.
Specialized Health Care Procedures
This session will discuss the requirements of school personnel in dealing with students and their health needs within the school setting. Depending upon your local needs, topics may include training requirements, liability issues, the role of the school nurse, the role of other school personnel and what health care procedures can and cannot be administered by someone other than the school nurse.
Member Advocacy
Faculty Senates
This session will review West Virginia law regarding faculty senates, address common problem areas and explore ways to make faculty senates more effective.
Recent Legal Developments
A discussion of recent court and grievance decisions affecting school employees and their ramifications for the members of the Association.
PEIA – Public Employees Insurance Agency
The workshop will focus on a discussion of the current situation with long-range plans for the insurance program and includes current and proposed plan changes.
Can You Afford to Retire?
This session includes recent developments in the state retirement systems, the retirement benefit formula, what counts as service credit, benefit options at retirement, survivor benefits, difference between the old and new systems, use of sick leave upon retirement, post-retirement options, as well as a question-and-answer session. The session will also examine substitute teaching options after retirement.
Understanding the Defined Benefit (old) Retirement Plan
This session will examine retirement eligibility requirements, vesting, monthly benefit options, options for accrued sick leave after retirement, allowable service credit and health insurance at retirement.
Understanding the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan
This session will examine the provisions of the Defined Contribution Retirement System, investment time horizons, investment risk tolerance, current investment options and supplemental income.
Educators and Public School Law
Depending on the length of the workshop, topics covered include rights of the educator in the classroom, how to understand local policies, address issues of concern regarding medication and students, exceptional children concerns, discipline, sexual harassment, and how to avoid problems. In this session you will be able to focus on your rights and responsibilities and become more familiar with West Virginia Code.
Grievance Procedure
Participants will learn how to recognize and define grievances as opposed to complaints. The law and the new grievance process will be explained with the goal to have participants develop their skills so they can process a grievance.
Employee Rights in Reduction in Force and Transfers
This session explores the laws and decisions related to reduction in force of West Virginia school personnel. Other relevant areas such as seniority and preferred recall will also be discussed. Legal theory and practical tips will be highlighted.
Hiring Criteria
An overview of the hiring criteria outlined in state code, including the criteria involved in hiring, the application, the involvement of the faculty senate and how case law has interpreted the statute. Also applicable to service professionals.
Priority Vote Procedures – Consolidation / Merger
This session explores what happens when a consolidation or merger occurs. An outline of the voting process and the implications of ‘yes’ or ‘no’ votes are discussed. A discussion of teacher rights during the consolidation/ merger is also included.
Intercounty Transfer Agreements
With increased interest in establishing multi-county consolidated schools, the Legislature enacted a statute dealing with personnel in those newly created schools. This session will examine the laws enacted and their impact on employees.
Member Benefits and Services
This session is used to familiarize members and non-members with the benefits available with WVEA membership. This is a good session to incorporate into faculty meetings, roundtables and during membership drives. It will include a discussion of our latest members-only ACCESS Internet-based savings program as well as those services offered by NEA Member Benefits.
Association Advocacy
Membership Recruitment
Participants will gain an understanding of how the successful use of organizing techniques can contribute to the building of a strong local association. This training examines ways of organizing around issues of common concerns as well as during a crisis.
Community Organizing
The objective of the workshop is to demonstrate how to mobilize a community to action on short notice. Points covered in this workshop include understanding the real issue, developing the issue, developing a communication network that can respond immediately and developing publicity for the issue.
Visibility for Locals
The visibility of your local is the key to its success. This session will explore your audience, how visibility occurs and how decisions are made. This session is intended for local leaders and association reps.
Lobbying and the Legislative Process
The workshop will explain the legislative process and how a bill becomes a law. The importance of effective lobbying both at the local and state level will also be stressed.
Activities for Effective Locals
Do you know how to build and keep an effective local? If not, this workshop will present a series of “Do’s and Don’ts” designed to facilitate the process for you.
Organizing Around Political Issues
Information includes how WVEA-Political Action Committee recommends candidates for office, as well as fundraising and lobbying strategies. Local PAC guidelines will be discussed as well as the procedures to establish a PAC for locals. Specialized training is available in voter contact, voter targeting, candidate recruitment, campaign planning, get out the vote and other campaign functions.
Association Rep Training
This is a program designed to assist local leaders to understand the roles of Association Representatives. The program defines member advocacy, increased awareness of what the Association can do for members and assists you in organizing around issues of concern by members.
Public Relations
Answers to questions such as the following will be discussed: How can you let the public know what a creative and inspiring job members do in the classroom despite budget cuts and other problems? How can you better communicate with the media? What does the media want in a press release? How can your local be on the radio or television with a public service announcement? A public service program? What can you do to build support for the education profession in the community?
Pre-Packaged Surveys
Training and survey documents are available from WVEA that deal with Local Association Programs, Teacher Satisfaction, Administrator Evaluation, Teacher Needs Assessment, etc.
Dealing with the Media
When and what to say to the media will be discussed during this session. Role-playing and videotaping (if possible) will enhance this invaluable experience – a must for all CEA presidents.
Effective Communication for Local Associations
This hands-on presentation shares important tips for creating and/or improving internal communications in your local. Learn how to produce local newsletters. Learn how to use the Internet, social media and the WVEA website to assist you in gathering important information for members.